Category Archives: Pipelining


It’s low, it’s dirty, it’s tricky… (to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time).

So I’ve learned a new skill: the art of pipelining. You see, I’ve been told by many that frequent my social media outlets that I’m pretty much the champion of them. And this is true. I’m crude, crass, sophomoric, rude, gross, witty, stubborn and downright hilarious. I’m also memorable. I associate everyday things with “disgusting” acts of shoddy moral code, bodily functions, and, well, life as we all know it, all too well.

But the truth is, I just call it like I see it and there is a veil of truth lining every idiosyncratic or vile thing that comes out of my IP address. Because, I am observant, and I can twist everything into three categories: 1. sex, 2. blatant sexism and/or racism and 3. awesome.

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